oven repair

How to Troubleshoot an Oven That Won’t Stay Lit

The inability to use your gas oven because of the continuous extinguishing of the pilot light can be very annoying. Follow the steps outlined here to help you address the problem before you call an oven repair specialist.

  1. Confirm that there is proper gas available:

Gas Valve: Double-check that the gas valve for the oven is free and open all the way.

Gas Line: Determine whether the gas line is kinked, blocked, or damaged, which could affect the gas supply.

  1. Inspect the pilot light assembly:

Pilot Light:

Clean the pilot light: Light deposits on the surfaces of the pilot light orifice will need to be scraped off using a cleaner that is thin, like a pipe cleaner.

Examine the pilot light electrode: Check if the electrode requires cleaning or replacing because it has been damaged or bent.


The thermocouple is an additional safety feature that verifies if the gas line is operational, specifically ensuring the pilot light is lit. Check that the rudimentary connection is fine and that there are no blocks or dirt residue.

Check thermocouple position: Make sure that the thermocouple is situated in the pilot light flame and not outside.

  1. Examine the Burner:

Clogs in the burner ports can restrict gas flow or supply altogether; hence the burner ports need to be cleared of any clogs with a toothpick or a wire brush.

  1. Inspect the Igniter (if its present):

In the case of an oven model that uses electronic ignition.

Examine the igniter: The igniter is possible to be weak or damaged, interfering the ignition of the pilot light.

Examine the igniter electrode: Verify that the igniter electrode is located and intact.

When Baby Sit Comes In:

After completing these procedures and the pilot light still seems to be blowing off alone, the best thing to do is call a licensed gas appliance repair company. Being involved in complex repairs is dangerous and can void your guarantee so it is best to leave these issues to the professional.

Gas Notes:

Gassesss turn of the gas supply to the oven prior to any work done on it.

If familiar odors of gas are noticed then simply leave the area and report it to your gas company.

With the guide to these steps for troubleshooting, you should be able to identify the problem and rectify it with ease. But in case you are not sure about the steps or you are uncomfortable executing any of the steps it is best to contact a professional.